The Scrapbook Kit Store


9 12X12 American Crafts double sided papers (print one side, solid other side)...  1 package American Crafts cardstock stickers (Serendipity)... 1 package Heidi Swapp fuzzy rub-ons (Travel)... 3 different lined notebook papers... 1 circle white tulle by Modern Romance... 6 strands ribbons/fibers/pearls from 1/2 to 1 yard... 2 silk flowers... Martha Stewart paper tags... white/turquoise/blue round gems by Westrim... 1 package chipboard tags (Playhouse) by American Crafts... 1 12x12 sheet surprise paper...

The album you can purchase with this kit is an 8 1/2 x 11 landscape post-bound cloth album from American Crafts.  Normal retail value is $20 , but with the purchase of the kit, you pay only $15!!!


The Buy Now buttons below are distinct.  If you want the album with the kit, please use the button on top.  If you just want the papers and embellishments, please use the button on the bottom.  THANKS!

Adventure Kit with Album

$40.00 + $8.95 shipping in the continental US.  Outside US please email.

When you go to pay for this item, it will appear that the product is actually $42.00, but the system wouldn't allow me to adjust the shipping cost to $8.95 from $6.95, so I had to add the $2.00 to the kit to compensate.  Sorry for any confusion and hopefully I can get the thing figured out!

Adventure Kit without Album

$25.00 + $6.95 shipping in the continental US.  Outside US please email.